红色的线条是热空气,黄色是普通气候,蓝色是冷空气 |
如果风向顺声音播放的方向,声音将会去更远 |
如果声音逆风向,声音将会播放比较短 |
by MDK Swiftlet Sdn.Bhd.(976495-K) 这个部落格是由《引燕技术,百万收入》作者 - 郭淼泽 所编写。作者在此分享这几年改良燕屋所面对的疑难杂症,和一些有关的咨询。读者也可以直接电邮我们提问引燕/和燕窝技术的问题。
红色的线条是热空气,黄色是普通气候,蓝色是冷空气 |
如果风向顺声音播放的方向,声音将会去更远 |
如果声音逆风向,声音将会播放比较短 |
Good sharing, thank you! Think you are the first blogger to mention this. Is there any reference to this theory? What you say is quite true. Density of air determine the sound wave (long or short) ie distance etc. So it changes every day, within time of day. Understand the theory and put it practice will reduce noise to the public and increase clarity and travel distance. We need more studies, article, formula, facts & figures on this issue. Once again, well done, you just started an interesting topic!